Phone: 073 219 9278 E-mail:
Welcome to the booking page for Basa Fundraiser Corporate Shoot 2024.
Please complete your registration details below:
Billing Details
Company *
First name *
Surname *
Contact Number *
E-mail address *
Confirm e-mail address *
Team Name
Description Qty Unit Price Amount
1. Team Booking R 1250.00 R 0.00
Participant fee for Team
Optional Day Visitor - NON SHOOTING R 350.00 R 0.00
Day attendance fee NON Shooting, includes Spitbraai
Single Booking R 1250.00 R 0.00
Single Participant Fee
R 0.00

Terms and Conditions
Please read and accept the Terms and Conditions below.

Privacy Policy

The Organiser is required to collect contact details of all registered participants, exhibitors and exhibit personnel for purposes of communication of relevant event information. Such information may be used by parties directly related to the Event such as the Organiser and its appointed agents, service providers and suppliers for purposes such as promotion, networking, matchmaking and administration of this and future Events


Terms & Conditions

a) The full fee is payable upon presentation of invoice which will be sent on receipt of this confirmation and registration form. Bigbore Association of South Africa reserves the right to turn away any delegate whose registration fee is not paid in full at the commencement of the Shoot.

b) Bigbore Association of South Africa reserves the right to change any part of its published programme due to unforeseen circumstances beyond its control. The Organisers assume no liability for any changes in the programme, date, content or venue. If for any reason Bigbore Association of South Africa decides to amend or cancel the event it is not liable for any travel or accommodation costs incurred.


The attendee irrevocably declares:
1. He/she is an adult with full legal capacity entitled to bind himself/herself and/or his/her dependents and/or successors in right, title and interest to this all encompassing consent accepting all risk of prejudice and also to this unlimited waiver of all present/future claims against the Big Bore Association � Southern Africa (BASA) and/or all its officials and members directly or indirectly emanating from his/her/their presence at this BASA activity;
2. He/she and all his/her guests are fully aware of the risks associated with their presence at and/or participation in a BASA shooting event, and that they specifically are aware of the risk of serious bodily injury, wounding and/or even death of himself/herself and/or any of his/her guests/dependents attending the proceedings � irrespective of whether they are participants or not;
3. He/She notwithstanding this knowledge and in full understanding of the risks as broadly described in Clause 2 (although not limited thereto), through his/her/their presence individually and collectively decided to voluntarily expose themselves and accept all such risks pertaining to their presence and/or participation;
4. He/She does on behalf of himself/herself and/or their guests/dependents and successors in right, title and interest renounces and waves all rights to present or future claims of whatever nature of direct or indirect nature, against BASA and/or its officials and/or members emanating from his/her/their presence at this BASA event;
5. Anybody who does not accept these conditions and risks must immediately depart from the venue and the proceedings, as failure to do so will constitute tacit acceptance of the conditions and risks.
6. The participant and holder of this form indemnifies BASA and/or its officials and/or its members on behalf of himself/herself and/or his/her guests and/or dependants an/or successors in right title and interest against any claims of whatever nature or origin against BASA, its officials and/or members, collectively and/or individually, emanating from any occurrence or prejudice at this BASA event.
7. He/she is not a "disqualified person" and has not been declared unfit to possess a firearm, in terms of sections 107 or 108


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